Friday, December 26, 2008


Finally a picture of EMMIE SMILING. She smiles all the time and it's so fun.


Christmas was great - We were home together as a family. The girls got what they wanted and we just enjoyed eachother.

Nativity Scene

Every year on Christmas Eve our girls act out the nativity scene. This year we had the donkey (Shem), Joseph (Abbie), Mary (Maddie), and baby Jesus (Emmie). They love to do this.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Shems birthday is Christmas Eve. This year we celebrated with a famliy party. These are some pictures of Shem over the years. Happy Birthday to an amazing husband and awesome dad.


These are pictures of the girls at their dance performance. They looked so cute and they did a great job on their dances.


We just got our first big snow storms of the year. The girls have been praying for snow and it finally came. We got just enough to play in and build a snowman.

Two months!

How the time flies - Emmie was two months old yesterday. I took her to the doctor today for her appiontment. She weighs ten pounds and she's twenty two and a half inches long. Yeah for us we have a kid that's normal size. I tried to get a picture of her smiling but no luck - maybe some other time.

Monday, December 8, 2008


We just got family pictures done by my sister Jessica. These are my favorites. Let me know what you think and which one we should use for Christmas cards.

Britton's Wedding

Shem's brother just got married. This is the brother that purposed to his girl friend on the fourth of july. My sister did their pictures. Congrats you guys.