Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Few Fun Things

We've found some fun things about living in Logan.
- The Cookie Lady - a sweet grandma in our ward
makes cookies for all the kids in the neighborhood
every Sunday except fast Sunday.

- Horse Rides on Tuesdays. - Another person in our ward does

horse rides for all the little kids once a week.

- Story Time at the Zoo - they read several books

and then they show the kids an animal.

- The Splash Pad - It's Free and the kids Love it.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

24th of July!

July 24th is a HUGE Utah/Mormon holiday.
It's the day the saints made it to the Utah Valley.
So we've spent the last two days celebrating.
Our stake did dinner and games last night
and today we went to the parade and did more activities.
The first pictures are Maddie trying to catch a fish.

Then we have Abbie playing ring toss

The girls did sponge races.

They got their faces pianted and hair sprayed.

And only in Utah can you see the Missionaries

in a parade handing out pass along cards.

Time Out is Tiring!

Emmie was sent to her room for a Time Out
and she was way too quiet.
This is what I found when I went to check on her.

She got her blanket and went to sleep.

Using her toy drum as a pillow.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Family Home Evening FUN!

Monday Night = Family Night

For FHE we learned about patience and

Maddie showed us how to make paper ladybugs.

I hope we always enjoy being together as a family.

Pennsylvania Cousins

My sister Heidi and her family came out to visit
for a few weeks and boy did we have fun.
We went swimming, played at the park, ate tons of food,
and spent hours playing guitar hero.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Abbie's Hair

While we were on our trip Tiffini gave Abbie a perm.
It's really cute and Abbie loves it.
Now I just need to get a picture of it fixed.

Fourth of July!

We went to Ephraim for the Fourth of July.
We stayed with our adopted family,
and we went to Zoey's baby blessing.
This is the only time during the year that our girls ride a horse
- so they really look forward to it. Even Emmie loved it.
We had a great trip and a fun time together.
Dad had to stay behind for a week and fix up our rental house.