Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cathing Up

We've been busy - so now it's time to catch up.
Last week our family took a trip.
We were gone for five days and stayed a different place each night.
The trip started in Salt Lake with Shem's counseling conference.
We saw family, went swimming, played at the park,
bought a van and shopped for school clothes.
Then we spent two days with cousins, an aunt and uncle.
We met up with Kassy for our yearly meeting.
I went to training for Usborne books.
We went to Zoey's first birthday swimming party.
And we ended our trip at Dallin's birthday party.
Talk about a busy week. On the trip we were informed
that Shem's grandma had died. So Monday it was back
to Kaysville for the viewing. She was 90 years old and
ready to be reunited with her husband.

The kids at the pool.

Maddie spent her time at the pool practicing swimming.
The girls loved the park. Our little guy was such a trooper.
He spent most of his time in his carseat.

1 comment:

Tiffini said...

Looks like you've been enjoying the summer off! Like the new van, doesn't it feel great to have "new to you" things, even if it isn't brand new.